Download Version 0.0.4New Packages:- org.gwtwidgets.client.temp
This is a package for temporary classes meant to temporarily fix issues with GWT components. It is expected that these classes will be removed at some point with little warning.
New Classes:- JsGraphicsPanel - A wrapper for Walter Zorn's JsGraphics library. Used to lines and shapes, very high browser compatability.
- Coords - A simple x/y coordinate container, to be extended later.
- TMouseListenerCollection - Changes the behaviour of the GWT mouse listener collection be changing the X and Y values returned by the events onMouseDown, onMouseUp, and onMouseMove. The X and Y coordinates return the position relative to the top-left corner of the panel.
- TFocusPanel - The same as GWT FocusPanel, except that it uses TMouseListerCollection handling mouse events.
- ArrayUtils - The start if a collection of new utilities. Initial methods includes toJsArray(double[]), toJsArray(int[]), and toJsArray(Object[]).
- WindowUtils - The start if a collection of new utilities. Includes the method getLocation(), to get a Location object reflecting the URL of the page. See Location below.
- Location - Similar to the window.location JavaScript object. Returns individual parts of the URL like getHost() and getPort(). Also parses the query string, allowing access to paremeters by name using getParameter().
Changes:- OptionList - Added indexOfValue(String) (thanks to Aaron Watkins)
- Effect - Added highlight(widget, startColor, endColor, duration)
- PNGImageImpl - New PNGImage will now set the width and height of the image tag. This allows for the use of spacers and such, where you need to stretch the image to a specific size.
- WBuilder - replaceElement() fixed. Caused problems when replacing a widget with another widget that wasn't already attached to the RootPanel.
- WPanel - Changed WIDGET_TYPE value from the erroneous "hyperlink' to "panel".